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College of Computing 22
Phuket Campus
Faculty of Commerce and Management 37
Trang Campus
Faculty of Communication Sciences 3
Pattani Campus
Faculty of Education 1367
Pattani Campus
Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts 9
Pattani Campus
Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism 156
Phuket Campus
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 313
Pattani Campus
Faculty of Innovative Agriculture and Fisheries 6
Surat Thani Campus
Faculty of International Studies 13
Phuket Campus
Faculty of Islamic Sciences 313
Pattani Campus
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences 21
Surat Thani Campus
Faculty of Nursing 1126
Faculty of Political Science 13
Pattani Campus
Faculty of Science 1880
Faculty of Science and Industrial Technology 90
Surat Thani Campus
Faculty of Science and Technology 419
Pattani Campus
Faculty of Technology and Environment 96
Phuket Campus
Other Units 141
The Group of Academic Support Office 47
The Group of Policy and Administration Office 88
Date issued
- 13179 2500 - 2566
- 3287 2000 - 2099
- 141 1953 - 1999