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Title: Pre-IPO and Post-IPO firm performance: Evidence from Thai Listed Companies
Authors: Klangjai Sangwichitr
Achima Chalarat
Faculty of Management Sciences (Business Administration)
คณะวิทยาการจัดการ ภาควิชาบริหารธุรกิจ
Keywords: Owership structure;Capital structure;Corporate performance
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Prince of Songkla University
Abstract: This study aimed to discover pre-IPO and post-IPO firm performance of Thai listed firmed in SET during 2009-2013. Ownership structure and venture capitalists were the main two factors influenced the firm performance. The firm performance was measured by ROA, and ROE. The population of this study was 36 listed firms in SET using multiple regression analysis to describe the firm performance, which separated the analysis into two cases: pre-IPO, and post-IPO period, and venture capitalist-backed firm performance. The result shown ownership structure had no significant impact on firm performance and firms with venture capitalist backed would perform better than the non venture capitalist firms in post-IPO. Keywords: IPO, Ownership Structure, Venture Capitalist, ROA, ROE
Description: Business Administration, 2018
Appears in Collections:460 Minor Thesis

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