Technical Infrastructure

The DSpace digital repository system ( – A list of institutions using the software can be accessed at was developed by MIT Libraries and Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, initially to serve as an institutional repository for research output. It uses the METS method of content packaging. DSpace’s use of the OAIS ReferenceModel is patchy but increasing [Bass et al. 2002; Celeste & Branschofsky 2002; DSpace 2005].


DSpace supports various standards, namely: OAIS, OAI-PMH, Dublin Core, OAI-ORE (Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchanges), SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit), WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning), OpenSearch, OpenURL, RSS (Really Simple Syndication), and ATOM. The infrastructure is shown in the figure below.

PSU Knowledge Bank uses the DSpace program to build an institutional repository. The figure displays the infrastructure of the system.