Digital Infrastructure as a Service

Prince of Songkla University's five campuses are connected to UniNet's Internet network, with Hat Yai Campus being the central node in the lower southern region. Additionally, there are parallel private company connections for service stability and speed. (Speed 20 Gbps for all campuses)

Internet and Intranet: Scope of Network Service

1) For connecting to the Internet: UniNet Link, ISP Link, Router, DNS, Firewall, Radius

2) For connecting to other campuses: Pattani, Phuket, Surat, Trang: Router, L3 Switch

3) Hat yai Campus: L3 Switches of Backbone, Faculty gateway

4) WiFi

5) Centrally Administrative Unit in Hat Yai campus

Khunying Long Athakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center in Hatyai Campus supports PSU Knowledge Bank. Install internet access points in 957 units at 35 faculty/buildings.