Business Continuity Plan

PSU Knowledge Bank Operation Plan has been predefined in the Library Strategy Plan 2022 in the second goal section, "Global and Frontier Research." The plan will promote a mission to become a global frontier university in research development. Show the continuity of the operation as follows:

2008: Set up an Executive Board for PSU Knowledge Bank
2009: Set up an operation board for PSU Knowledge Bank, test it, and choose the institutional repository software. The operation board provides oversight of the digital preservation plan's implementation. This team evaluates the plan regularly, revising it as processes, standards, and formats evolve. The team also oversees outreach and promotion efforts for digital preservation.
2010: Install DSpace 1.6, Export MARC21 from ALIST, and import to PSU Knowledge Bank. Librarians are responsible for developing processes and workflows to implement digital preservation activities. The technology support staff manages the technical infrastructure to care for digital resources. They create, install, and maintain software as needed, supporting staff using the tools.
2014: Upgrade to DSpace 5.4
2016: Upgrade to DSpace 6.3
2022: Plan for an upgrade to DSpace 7. x