กรุณาใช้ตัวระบุนี้เพื่ออ้างอิงหรือเชื่อมต่อรายการนี้: http://kb.psu.ac.th/psukb/handle/2016/12743
ชื่อเรื่อง: The relationship between positive psychological capital, employee engagement and organizational citizenship behaviour: A case study of an oil and gas company, Songkhla
ผู้แต่ง/ผู้ร่วมงาน: Daraneekorn Supanti
Jakita Maka-A-Pirak
Faculty of Management Sciences (Business Administration)
คณะวิทยาการจัดการ ภาควิชาบริหารธุรกิจ
คำสำคัญ: Psychological research;Employee engagement
วันที่เผยแพร่: 2018
สำนักพิมพ์: Prince of Songkla University
บทคัดย่อ: The main aim of this study was to examine the relationship between psychological capital (PsyCap), employee engagement, and organization citizenship behaviour (OCB) by using a case study of an oil and gas company located in Songkhla province. Data from 136 employees were analysed using questionnaires. The relationship between PsyCap and employee engagement is highly correlated. Similarly, the correlation between PsyCap and OCB is high. Results suggest that employees who have higher level of PsyCap tend to have higher level of engagement and OCB. The organization may initiate HR practices aiming at promoting positive PsyCap among employees to enhance their attitude and behaviour like employee engagement and OCB.
รายละเอียด: Master of Business Administration ,2018
URI: http://kb.psu.ac.th/psukb/handle/2016/12743
ปรากฏในกลุ่มข้อมูล:460 Minor Thesis

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